Does Following the Mediterranean Eating Plan Decrease the Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke?
Did you know that because of the First Amendment, anyone can write a diet book and say whatever they want, regardless of whether or not they are qualified? As a result, fad diets are a dime-a-dozen, and rates of overweight and obesity in the U.S. remain at an all-time high. At the same time, cardiovascular disease (CVD) remains the number one cause of death among men and women worldwide.
Are Fish Oils Beneficial for Brain Health during Pregnancy and Post-Partum?
Fish oils are a type of polyunsaturated fatty acid found in moderate to high concentrations in fatty fish, as well as in other foods.
Swimming for Summer and All Year Long
Summertime is coming and it is time to get in the water! Children swim for fun, to beat the heat, and in competitive sports all year long. With an increase in various water activities available during the summer, it is important for youth to be strong swimmers for safety, both in and around water.
Is Whole Grain Intake Associated with Morbidity and Mortality?
Popular diets come and go. While no longer nearly as popular as it was a decade ago, a major emphasis of the Paleo Diet is to avoid grains, including whole grains. Although there is no scientific evidence to support this notion, Paleo enthusiasts claim that grains ‘cause inflammation’, which leads to an increased risk of chronic disease (morbidity) and early death (mortality). Before we look at what the science says, let’s review the basics regarding grains.
Do Cardio Fitness Level and Body Mass Index During the Teenage Years Predict Disability in Men Later in Life?
Do fitness and body weight status during the teenage years have any association with the risk of disability later in life? To help answer this question, researchers published results on over one million Swedish male adolescents between the ages of 16 and 19, who were drafted into the military between 1972 and 1994.
Is Midlife Cardiorespiratory Fitness Level a Predictor of Chronic Kidney Disease?
In recent years, it has been shown that regular moderate levels of physical activity are beneficial to kidney health. Here we note that physical activity and CRF are not the same. While there is some correlation between the two, the relationship is only moderate. Physical activity is typically assessed via questionnaire, while CRF as noted previously, can be objectively measured. With that in mind, Cooper Institute researchers sought to determine if there is a relationship between CRF at midlife and the risk of developing CKD later in life.
Is Balance Ability Related to Risk of Death in Older Adults?
Among the more well known components of physical fitness are cardiorespiratory fitness, muscular strength, flexibility, and body composition. A lesser-known and somewhat underappreciated fitness component is balance, which tends to deteriorate rapidly beyond the age of 55 or so.
NFL PLAY 60 FitnessGram Project: Sports and fitness in one evidence-based program!
This initiative brings together the various components of NFL PLAY 60 and measures their impact on youth health through physical fitness assessment (i.e. FitnessGram®). Since 2009, The Cooper Institute and the NFL Foundation have worked diligently to bring physical activity and fitness resources to schools across the country.
Should You be Nuts About Coconut Oil?
Over the past several years, a number of claims have been made regarding the benefits of dietary coconut oil (DCO).
Does Being Fit Help Reduce Risk of Death in Women With Metabolic Syndrome?
In the past, we have published a couple of blogs on the topic of metabolic syndrome