Safer Alternatives to the Superman
The Cooper Institute
The Cooper Team
August 31, 2014
To reduce back injuries in first responders and the military, the superman exercise is often used. During the exercise, individuals lie on their stomach with arms extended overhead and lift both legs and arms at the same time. While implemented to help prevent back injuries, for most populations it may actually place too much pressure on the spine, low back, and neck. As a result, impingements and compressions of the discs and/or strains may occur.
Safer alternatives, as shown in the video, are easy to implement, yet still very effective. Two exercise options include the back extension and quadraplex exercises.
Back Extension
- Preparation: Assume a supine position (face down) with the ankles dorsi flexed and toes on the floor (Toe Stab). Place chin on hands with bent arms in front of body on floor. Keep abdominals contracted. Keep head and neck in alignment.
- Movement: Squeeze the glutes, depress and retract the shoulder blades. Keeping both feet on the ground, lift the chest and arms off the floor. Hold then slowly return to starting position. Repeat.
- Modification: Perform the same movement as above by propping up to both elbows and then returning to starting position. Repeat.
- Amplification: Perform same movement as above but put hands behind head, extend both arms out in front or extend both arms out in front and alternate limb lifts.
- Preparation: Assume a four-point stance (facing down) box position in which the hands are placed on the ground under the shoulders and the knees are on the ground under the hips. Keep abdominals contracted. Keep head and neck in alignment.
- Movement: Squeeze the glutes, depress and retract the shoulder blades. Lift opposite limbs, one leg and one arm, and hold. Then slowly return to starting position. Repeat on other side.
- Modification: Perform same movement as above but lift one limb at a time in a clock- wise manner. Hold then slowly return to starting position. Repeat.
- Amplification: Perform same movement as above with one arm extended and one leg extended and make the exercise dynamic by touching elbow to knee of opposite sides.
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