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NFL PLAY 60 FitnessGram Project: Sports and fitness in one evidence-based program!
This initiative brings together the various components of NFL PLAY 60 and measures their impact on youth health through physical fitness assessment (i.e. FitnessGram®). Since 2009, The Cooper Institute and the NFL Foundation have worked diligently to bring physical activity and fitness resources to schools across the country.
2022 NFL PLAY 60 FitnessGram Project Champion Summit
Since 2009, we have worked with the NFL Foundation through the NFL PLAY 60 FitnessGram Project to measure and improve student fitness in thousands of schools across the country. The project data has shown students who participate in school-based programs like NFL PLAY 60 have improved cardiorespiratory fitness and lower body mass. A core component of the program is our NFL PLAY 60 FitnessGram Project Champions, the “boots on the ground” leaders responsible for ensuring the participating schools have the support and resources they need to effectively implement the program in their respective NFL Markets.
Alzheimer's and Brain Awareness Month
These resources were created by the Texas Council on Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders,
Is Handgrip Strength Related to Future Health Outcomes?
Over the past few decades, it has become indisputable that higher levels of cardiorespiratory fitness are strongly related to a decreased risk of several adverse health outcomes.
Can Sitting in a Sauna Decrease Your Risk of Cardiovascular Disease?
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) includes all diseases of the heart and circulatory system,
50 Years of Title IX: Spanning Beyond Sports to Improve Bone Health of Girls
As a nation full of soccer moms and dads can attest
Preparing for a Policy Marathon
Just as one prepares for a marathon, planning for a policy campaign entails much of the same effort.
Does Strength Training Help to Reduce Mortality Risk?
At the present time, there is overwhelming scientific evidence that physical inactivity is a major risk factor for the development of cardiovascular disease
American Heart Association Announces Life’s Essential 8
Unhealthy behaviors are a leading cause of cardiovascular disease (CVD)
Does Being a “Weekend Warrior” Exerciser Help to Reduce Mortality Risk?
While most health and fitness enthusiasts are quite familiar with the most recent Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans
Is Physical Activity Related to Adverse COVID-19 Outcomes?
During the COVID-19 virus pandemic, researchers have found a number of risk factors for increased COVID severity.
Getting Back to 60 After 2020
At the beginning of 2020, the negative impact of the rapid spread of COVID-19 was immediately recognized in various areas of our lives.
Does Usual Walking Speed Predict Survival in Older Adults?
Once individuals achieve the age of 65, they are considered to be a ‘senior citizen.
What is Prediabetes and Why is it Important?
If you are a Cooper Institute follower, then you are probably aware that cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death in all developed countries.
Tips for a healthier Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is just around the corner! That day of extreme gluttony and couch cruising that kicks off a season of calorie imbalance.
November is National Diabetes Month! Do You Know Your Hemoglobin A1C Number?
A normal fasting blood glucose level is between 70-99 mg/dL. Individuals with fasting glucose levels between 100-125 mg/dL on two separate occasions have prediabetes,
Vision and Learning are Linked: What You Need to Know
Good vision can set a child up for success from the start. Being able to see well is key to physical and social development and to learning. Not all children can see well, and many of them are unaware of their issue, leaving parents and caretakers unaware too.