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Safer Alternatives to the Superman
To reduce back injuries in first responders and the military, the superman exercise is often used. During the exercise, individuals lie on their stomach with arms extended overhead and lift both legs and arms at the same time.
Correcting the Squat with Knee Valgus
A common improper movement pattern observed during a squat is knee valgus (knees caving inward). This is typically the result of strong hip adductor muscles (located on the inner thigh) overpowering the weak hip abductors (gluteus minimus and gluteus medius).
Light Exercise Following a Meal Has Tremendous Impact on Triglyceride Levels
Many studies have demonstrated that the timing of meals and exercise is important for glycogen loading, muscle building and improved nutrient uptake and utilization by the body.
Subway or McDonald's--Which is Healthier?
A recent study decided to assess if adolescents ages 12 to 21, purchased foods that had fewer total calories at a restaurant marketed as “healthy” compared to one of it’s competitors. The “healthy” chain studied was Subway and the competitor, McDonald’s.
African Americans At Greatest Risk of Vitamin D Deficiency
An estimated 40% of American adults may be vitamin D deficient. For African-Americans, that number may be nearly double at 76% according to a new study by The Cooper Institute.
Cardiorespiratory Fitness, the Triglyceride: HDL Ratio and Coronary Heart Disease Mortality Risk in Men
A while back, we talked about the importance of the blood Triglyceride: HDL ratio. To refresh your memory, we calculate the ratio simply by dividing the fasting blood triglyceride level by the blood level of HDL cholesterol.
The Blood Triglyceride:HDL Ratio and LDL Particle Size: Critical Issues for Determining Risk of Coronary Heart Disease!
Just about anyone who is health-conscious knows that LDL-cholesterol is nicknamed ‘the bad cholesterol’. It has long been known that individuals with elevated levels of LDL face an increased risk of coronary heart disease (CHD), which can result in heart attack, coronary artery bypass surgery, or stent placement.
Contraindicated Exercises
Contraindicated exercises are those that carry higher risks to joint structure, soft tissue, or other risks.
Using MET-Minutes to Track Volume of Physical Activity
They say that variety is the spice of life. Many people who exercise incorporate cross-training over the course of their weekly workout. Simply put, cross-training means doing different activities on different days.
Hypertension and weight training: secrets for success
Approximately 57% of the adult population is estimated to have hypertension (resting blood pressure > 140/90) or pre-hypertension (Ostchega et al). We’ve all been told that aerobic exercise is a great way to lower blood pressure.
Does pickle juice relieve muscle cramps?
Muscle cramps during exercise are a frustrating challenge for many athletes, with 80% of triathletes and 50% of football players experiencing cramps during competition or training.
How much weight is really lifted during a push-up?
As previously mentioned, the push-up exercise has been proven many times as an effective means of strengthening and assessing muscular endurance of the upper body.
Are Tight Hip Flexors Contributing to Your Low Back Pain?
Prolonged sitting and activities like jogging and cycling can lead to tight hip flexors and muscle imbalances which contribute to low back pain.